Begomoviruses in crops with economic interest for North and Central America




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Barboza Vargas, Natalia María
Martínez Zubiaur, Yamila

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The Begomovirus genus (family Geminiviridae) is widely distributed throughout the world and affects more than 700 plant species, including crops of economic interest. In the western hemisphere, diseases caused by begomoviruses have a high impact on production and cause large losses in economically important crops such as beans, cucurbits, tomato, and peppers in many countries of the region. Native bipartite begomoviruses in North and Central America have been identified and characterized; however, the detection of Tomato yellow leaf curl virus-IL and the presence of the invasive whitefly Bemisia tabaci MED in the region and in the Caribbean islands has aggravated the phytosanitary situation for the sustainable production of basic foods.


Palabras clave

Central America, North America, Plant virus, Bipartite begomovirus, Monopartite begomovirus, Beans, Cucurbits, Tomato, Peppers, Tomato yellow leaf curl disease, Whitefly, Bemisia tabaci, AGRICULTURA, ENFERMEDAD DE LAS PLANTAS
