Gobernabilidad democrática local: un caso de estudio
Artavia Chacón, Nancy
Obando Villalobos, Melvin
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El presente artículo pone el interés en una dimensión del gobierno local: su capacidad para
generar legitimidad y consenso entre diferentes actores, del mismo gobierno y de su espacio territorial. Se
estudia cómo en un caso concreto las divergencias de intereses y las desigualdades de poder presentes
en las relaciones entre actores, generan dificultades para concretar consensos en el proceso de gobierno y
esta situación repercute en la capacidad para articular los diversos actores de la localidad, lo que a su vez
impacta en la gobernabilidad local y en el desarrollo de las comunidades. Este análisis se realiza tomando
como base el caso de estudio de la Municipalidad de Moravia en la investigación titulada “Propuesta de un
modelo de gestión para la implementación de la gobernanza democrática en gobiernos municipales de Costa
Rica: caso de estudio, Municipalidad de Moravia”, elaborado por Artavia Chacón, Calderón Coto, Jiménez
Rojas y Obando Villalobos (2012). A partir de este caso, se discutirá el efecto de esas circunstancias en la
gobernabilidad local y por ende en la consecución de bienestar y el desarrollo municipal costarricense.
This article is focused in an aspect of the local government: its capability to generate legitimacy and agreement among different actors, from the same government and its territorial space (o jurisdiction). A specific case is studied, in which the differences of interests and power inequalities of actors relationships, provoke difficulties to make agreements in the governing process and this situation has an affect on the capability to articulate the different actors of society, and at the same time, has an impact in the local governability and development of the communities. This analysis is based on the study case of the Municipalidad de Moravia, in the research named “Proposal of a management model to implement democratic governance in local governments of Costa Rica: study case, Municipalidad de Moravia”, made by Artavia Chacón, Calderón Coto, Jiménez Rojas and Obando Villalobos (2012). The effect of these circumstances in local governability and the achievement of welfare and Costa Rican local development will be discussed, using this study case.
This article is focused in an aspect of the local government: its capability to generate legitimacy and agreement among different actors, from the same government and its territorial space (o jurisdiction). A specific case is studied, in which the differences of interests and power inequalities of actors relationships, provoke difficulties to make agreements in the governing process and this situation has an affect on the capability to articulate the different actors of society, and at the same time, has an impact in the local governability and development of the communities. This analysis is based on the study case of the Municipalidad de Moravia, in the research named “Proposal of a management model to implement democratic governance in local governments of Costa Rica: study case, Municipalidad de Moravia”, made by Artavia Chacón, Calderón Coto, Jiménez Rojas and Obando Villalobos (2012). The effect of these circumstances in local governability and the achievement of welfare and Costa Rican local development will be discussed, using this study case.