Sitios costarricenses de noticias en Facebook: ¿Qué “likean”, comentan y comparten sus usuarios?
Siles González, Ignacio
Campos Acuña, Pedro
Segura Castillo, Andrés
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En este artículo, se discute cómo usuarias y usuarios interactúan con contenido noticioso publicado por sitios costarricenses de noticias en Facebook. Utilizando una metodología mixta que combinó el análisis de redes sociales (social network analysis) y el análisis de contenido, se examinó la información publicada por seis sitios costarricenses de noticias durante cuatro meses de 2016. Se identificó una clara preferencia de los usuarios por noticias sobre asuntos no públicos, como sucesos, fútbol y entretenimiento. En cambio, las noticias sobre asuntos públicos, como política, economía y gobierno, recibieron relativamente poca interacción de parte de las usuarias y los usuarios. Asimismo, se analizó una diferencia estructural en cómo las personas interactuaron con la información publicada por varios sitios informativos. Se concluye con una discusión de las oportunidades analíticas que ofrece el estudio de la circulación de noticias en Facebook.
This paper discusses how users interact with news content published by Costa Rican online news sites on Facebook. Drawing on a mixed-method research design that combined social network analysis and content analysis, we examined the data published by six major Costa Rican news sites during four months of 2016. We identified a clear user preference for content about non-public affair issues, such as crimes, sports, and entertainment. In contrast, news about public affairs, such as politics, economy, and government, received relatively much less interaction. We also examined a structural difference in how users interacted with the content published by news sites. We conclude with a discussion of the analytical opportunities afforded by the circulation of news on Facebook.
This paper discusses how users interact with news content published by Costa Rican online news sites on Facebook. Drawing on a mixed-method research design that combined social network analysis and content analysis, we examined the data published by six major Costa Rican news sites during four months of 2016. We identified a clear user preference for content about non-public affair issues, such as crimes, sports, and entertainment. In contrast, news about public affairs, such as politics, economy, and government, received relatively much less interaction. We also examined a structural difference in how users interacted with the content published by news sites. We conclude with a discussion of the analytical opportunities afforded by the circulation of news on Facebook.
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