Explorando la Motivación para el Servicio Público en Costa Rica
Mora Martínez, Esteban Octavio
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La motivación para el servicio público (MSP) estudia los valores y necesidades relacionados con los empleados públicos, encontrándose diferencias con sus homólogos del sector privado, donde su investigación es frecuente en América del Norte, Europa y Asia, sin embargo, en el contexto latinoamericano no es habitual encontrar esta teoría aplicada en las instituciones del sector público. En este estudio se utilizó un instrumento de 40 ítems y 6 factores en varias organizaciones estatales con una muestra de 729 servidores con el fin de determinar si se reproduce la teoría de J. Perry, L. Wise y otros. El estudio forma parte de una investigación de campo relacionada con el Modelado de Servicios para la Administración Pública (MOSAP), mediante el cual, logró comprobarse que la teoría se reproduce luego de ajustes lingüísticos y socioculturales en la construcción de los ítems. Adicionalmente, se aplicó a estudiantes de grado y posgrado en Administración Pública para identificar perfiles o patrones de comportamiento en relación con su motivación.
Public Service Motivation (PSM) studies the values and needs related to public employees, finding differences with their private sector counterparts, where their research is frequent in North America, Europe, and Asia, however, in the Latin American context, it is not usual to find this theory applied in public sector institutions. In this study, a 40-item, 6-factor instrument was used in various state organizations with a sample of 729 servers to determine if the theory of J. Perry, L. Wise and others is reproduced. The study is part of a field investigation related to the Modeling of Services for Public Administration (MOSAP, acronym in Spanish), through which, it was possible to verify that the theory is reproduced after linguistic and sociocultural adjustments in the construction of the items. In addition, it was applied to undergraduate and graduate students in Public Administration to identify profiles or patterns of behavior in relation to their motivation.
Public Service Motivation (PSM) studies the values and needs related to public employees, finding differences with their private sector counterparts, where their research is frequent in North America, Europe, and Asia, however, in the Latin American context, it is not usual to find this theory applied in public sector institutions. In this study, a 40-item, 6-factor instrument was used in various state organizations with a sample of 729 servers to determine if the theory of J. Perry, L. Wise and others is reproduced. The study is part of a field investigation related to the Modeling of Services for Public Administration (MOSAP, acronym in Spanish), through which, it was possible to verify that the theory is reproduced after linguistic and sociocultural adjustments in the construction of the items. In addition, it was applied to undergraduate and graduate students in Public Administration to identify profiles or patterns of behavior in relation to their motivation.
Palabras clave
Comportamiento, Psicología organizacional, Administración pública, Servidores públicos, Análisis exploratorio, Behavior, Organizational psychology, Public administration, Public servants, Exploratory analysis