Fístula extraoral asociada a sialolitiasis en el conducto de Wharton. Reporte de un caso
artículo original
Obando Solano, Danny
Fernández Chaves, José Manuel
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La sialolitiasis es una de las patologías que afectan con mayor frecuencia las glándulas salivales,
y es en la glándula submandibular donde se presenta más comúnmente debido a sus características
anatómicas. Existen muchas teorías que explican su etiología, pero aún no está completamente
determinada. La sintomatología más común es la presencia de dolor, especialmente a la hora de comer
debido a la estimulación salival producida por los alimentos. También se presenta inflamación del piso
de la boca e infección, asociadas a procesos de sialadenitis crónica, la formación de fístulas cutáneas
es muy poco frecuente. Se reporta el caso de un paciente masculino de 31 años quien presenta una
fístula extraoral en lado izquierdo su cuello, a nivel de subzona Ib (submandibular) con una sialadenitis
crónica asociada a sialolitiasis en el conducto de Wharton izquierdo con una evolución de cuatro años.
Se realiza la descripción del manejo quirúrgico y se hace una revisión de la literatura.
Sialolithiasis is one of the frecuent pathologies that affect the salivary glands, and the submandibular gland is the most commonly affected due to it´s anatomy. There are many theories that try to explain the etiology, but is not yet fully determined. The most common symptom is the presence of pain, especially when eating because of the salivary stimulation produced by food. Other symptoms seen are the inflammation of the floor of mouth and infection associated with chronic sialadenitis processes; the formation of cutaneous fistulas is rare. This case report presents a 31-year-old male patient with an extra-oral fistula located on the left side of his neck subzone Ib (submandibular); with chronic sialadenitis associated with sialolithiasis in the left Wharton's duct with a four-year progress. The surgical management is described and a review of the literature is performed.
Sialolithiasis is one of the frecuent pathologies that affect the salivary glands, and the submandibular gland is the most commonly affected due to it´s anatomy. There are many theories that try to explain the etiology, but is not yet fully determined. The most common symptom is the presence of pain, especially when eating because of the salivary stimulation produced by food. Other symptoms seen are the inflammation of the floor of mouth and infection associated with chronic sialadenitis processes; the formation of cutaneous fistulas is rare. This case report presents a 31-year-old male patient with an extra-oral fistula located on the left side of his neck subzone Ib (submandibular); with chronic sialadenitis associated with sialolithiasis in the left Wharton's duct with a four-year progress. The surgical management is described and a review of the literature is performed.
Palabras clave
Fístula extraoral, sialolitiasis, Conducto de Wharton, Glándula Submandibular