Propuesta base para la creación de una estrategia de diplomacia y cooperación internacional en el deporte, que contribuya al fortalecimiento de la política exterior de Costa Rica, en el marco de la agenda 2030 para el desarrollo sostenible
tesis de maestría
Muñoz Alfaro, Sebastián
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Resumen en español
La propuesta de estrategia de diplomacia y cooperación internacional en el deporte
para Costa Rica se estructura en tres acápites. En el primer acápite, se desarrolla
el marco mundial del deporte para el desarrollo y la paz y los antecedentes de Costa
Rica en diplomacia y cooperación internacional en el deporte.
La utilidad de este acápite radica en comprender la ubicación espacio
temporal de los fenómenos ligados a la diplomacia y cooperación internacional en
el deporte a nivel macro y a nivel de la realidad vista en Costa Rica, así como
identificar las fortalezas y debilidades del país en este ámbito.
En el segundo acápite, se analizan los modelos de Australia, España y
Estados Unidos, lo que permitió detectar los elementos primordiales para la
elaboración de una estrategia de diplomacia y cooperación internacional en el
deporte y proponer un mecanismo de coordinación liderado por el Ministerio de
Relaciones Exteriores y Culto.
En el tercer acápite, se definen los objetivos estratégicos de la propuesta y
se propone una serie de indicadores de gestión e impacto y sus respectivos medios
de verificación, proporcionando un plan para fortalecer la capacidad institucional y
la coordinación interinstitucional en materia de diplomacia y cooperación
internacional en el deporte. Además, se enfatiza la necesidad de coordinación y
cooperación con varios actores, incluidas las autoridades deportivas, turísticas,
educativas y diplomáticas, para maximizar el impacto del deporte en la política
exterior y la sociedad costarricense en general.
Resumen en inglés Costa Rica's proposal of a strategy for diplomacy and international sports cooperation is divided into three parts. The first part develops the global framework of sport and peace and the background of Costa Rican sports diplomacy and international cooperation. The aim of this part is to understand the time and space location of phenomena related to sports diplomacy and international cooperation both at the macro level and in the context of the reality of Costa Rica, and to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the country in this field. In the second section, the cases of Australia, Spain, and the United States are analyzed to identify key elements as inputs for the proposal of a strategy of diplomacy and international cooperation in sports and a coordination mechanism led by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship. In the third part, the strategic objectives of the proposal and a proposed set of administrative and effective indicators are defined, as well as the monitoring tools, which provide a plan to strengthen the institutional capacity of sports diplomacy and international cooperation and for inter-institutional coordination. In addition, the need to coordinate and collaborate with various actors, including sports, tourism, education, and diplomatic authorities, is emphasized to maximize the impact of sports both, on foreign policy and on Costa Rican society.
Resumen en inglés Costa Rica's proposal of a strategy for diplomacy and international sports cooperation is divided into three parts. The first part develops the global framework of sport and peace and the background of Costa Rican sports diplomacy and international cooperation. The aim of this part is to understand the time and space location of phenomena related to sports diplomacy and international cooperation both at the macro level and in the context of the reality of Costa Rica, and to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the country in this field. In the second section, the cases of Australia, Spain, and the United States are analyzed to identify key elements as inputs for the proposal of a strategy of diplomacy and international cooperation in sports and a coordination mechanism led by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship. In the third part, the strategic objectives of the proposal and a proposed set of administrative and effective indicators are defined, as well as the monitoring tools, which provide a plan to strengthen the institutional capacity of sports diplomacy and international cooperation and for inter-institutional coordination. In addition, the need to coordinate and collaborate with various actors, including sports, tourism, education, and diplomatic authorities, is emphasized to maximize the impact of sports both, on foreign policy and on Costa Rican society.
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