Arte público en la Universidad de Costa Rica. Un arte para todos y todas
Andrade Cambronero, Grettel María
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El arte público como expresión artística en un espacio público y generalmente urbano, plantea un discurso
dirigido hacia los transeúntes, que pasan por allí, insertándose a las dinámicas y tensiones propias
de la sociedad. El arte público en la Universidad de Costa Rica no es la excepción. El Proyecto de Acción
Social, Extensión Cultural, Placas para las obras de arte publico de la Universidad de Costa Rica, busca
con la colocación de placas informativas en las obras de arte publico permanentes, la unificación en el
estilo de las cedulas, la catalogación y conservación de tan importantes obras de arte; pero principalmente,
ofrecer al espectador otra vía de comunicación lingüística, entre el espectador y la obra misma,
o entre los autores de las obras y el publico costarricense, ambos ciudadanos del mundo y del país, a
quienes estas obras pertenecen, como legado y patrimonio cultural.
The public art and artistic expression in a public urban space and generally raises an address to the bystanders, who pass by, inserting the dynamics and tensions of society. The public art at the University of Costa Rica is no exception. The Social Action Project, Cultural Extension, Plates public art works at the University of Costa Rica, looking with placing information signs in the works of permanent public art, unification in the style of forms, cataloging and conservation of important works of art; but mainly, offering the viewer another avenue of linguistic communication between the viewer and the work itself, or between the authors of the works and the Costa Rican public, both citizens of the world and the country, to whom these works belong, as a legacy and heritage culture.
The public art and artistic expression in a public urban space and generally raises an address to the bystanders, who pass by, inserting the dynamics and tensions of society. The public art at the University of Costa Rica is no exception. The Social Action Project, Cultural Extension, Plates public art works at the University of Costa Rica, looking with placing information signs in the works of permanent public art, unification in the style of forms, cataloging and conservation of important works of art; but mainly, offering the viewer another avenue of linguistic communication between the viewer and the work itself, or between the authors of the works and the Costa Rican public, both citizens of the world and the country, to whom these works belong, as a legacy and heritage culture.