Normative data study of verbal fluency and naming tests in elderly people in Costa Rica
artículo original
Mora Villalobos, Lara
Brown Mata, Gloriana
Smith Castro, Vanessa
Ramos Usuga, Daniela
Rivera, Diego
Arango Lasprilla, Juan Carlos
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Objective: To generate normative data for the Verbal Fluency Test (VFT) and the Boston Naming Test (BNT) in the Costa Rican population. Method: The sample consisted of 563 healthy older people (aged 59–90 years). Polynomial multiple regression analyses were run to evaluate the effects of the age, sex, and education variables on VFT and BNT scores. Results: The results showed a significant linear effect of education on the four-letter VF scores and an effect of sex on the letter P score, with females performing better than males. The explained variance ranged from 20.9% to 28.3%. A linear effect of age and education was also found for the four semantic VF scores, with scores decreasing with increasing age and lower education. The sex variable was significant for all semantic categories, with females performing better than males except in the animal category. The explained variance ranged from 21.7% to 30.9%. In the BNT, a linear effect of education was found, so that the more education, the better the score. In addition, a sex effect was also found, with males having higher scores than females. The predictors of the model explained 9.6% of the variance. Conclusions: This is the first study that generates normative data for the VF and BNT in the Costa Rican population over 59 years of age based on demographic variables. The use of these normative data will help clinicians in Costa Rica to better understand language functioning in the elderly, allowing for better classification and diagnosis in the future.
Palabras clave
Normative data, Verbal Fluency Test, Boston Naming Test, Costa Rica, Eldery, Calculator