La Marta, una hacienda agroindustrial de inicios del siglo XX: su avance tecnológico y su gente
Madrigal Garro, Olga Lidia
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La presente tesis se realizó en el monumento arqueológico Hacienda La Martha C-480 HLM, el cual se ubica en el cantón de Jiménez, provincia de Cartago, Costa Rica.
Su enfoque desde la arqueología histórica e industrial, permitió generar una nueva mirada hacia una época de radical importancia para el desarrollo económico y social de Costa Rica, ya que desde el contexto de la hacienda se evidenciaron los cambios que surgieron a nivel regional y local para poder seguirle el ritmo al mercado mundial, lo cual marcó un antes y un después en la vida de la mayoría de los pobladores del país.
El estudio desde la disciplina arqueológica permitió conocer los usos que tuvieron las edificaciones y los espacios del complejo agroindustrial, buscando comprender las dinámicas socioproductivas que tuvieron lugar en dicha hacienda.
Los remanentes históricos, la información documental y la tradición oral permitieron un acercamiento a las condiciones técnicas y sociales de producción que se llevaron a cabo en dicho espacio laboral entre 1890 – 1930.
Fue así como, gracias a las estructuras, los artefactos y los fragmentos de éstos que se hallaron en lo que antiguamente fue la hacienda, se pudo accesar y vislumbrar la vida de los antiguos trabajadores y habitantes de La Marta, pudiendo responder a algunas preguntas que se han planteado desde hace décadas y marcando el camino para futuras investigaciones que sin duda podrían enriquecer aún más el legado de dicho complejo arqueológico agroindustrial.
The present thesis was carried out at the archaeological monument Hacienda La Martha C-480 HLM, located in the canton of Jiménez, province of Cartago, Costa Rica. It´s approach, grounded in historical and industrial archaeology, allowed for a novel perspective on an era of radical importance for the social and economical development of Costa Rica. This is because, from the context of the hacienda, the changes that emerged at the regional and local level to keep pace with the global market were evident, marking a before and after in the lives of the majority of the country’s inhabitants. The archaeological discipline served as the foundation for studying the uses of the structures and spaces of the agro-industrial complex, providing insight into the socio-productive dynamics that took place in the hacienda. Historical remnants, documentary information and oral tradition made it possible to explore the technical and social conditions of production that took place in this space between 1890 and 1930. Through the analysis of structures, artifacts and their fragments discovered in the former hacienda, it was possible to gain a glimpse into the life of the ancient workers and inhabitants of La Marta. This research addressed some longstanding questions about the hacienda and laid the groundwork for future investigations that undoubtedly will further enrich the legacy of this agro-industrial archaeological complex.
The present thesis was carried out at the archaeological monument Hacienda La Martha C-480 HLM, located in the canton of Jiménez, province of Cartago, Costa Rica. It´s approach, grounded in historical and industrial archaeology, allowed for a novel perspective on an era of radical importance for the social and economical development of Costa Rica. This is because, from the context of the hacienda, the changes that emerged at the regional and local level to keep pace with the global market were evident, marking a before and after in the lives of the majority of the country’s inhabitants. The archaeological discipline served as the foundation for studying the uses of the structures and spaces of the agro-industrial complex, providing insight into the socio-productive dynamics that took place in the hacienda. Historical remnants, documentary information and oral tradition made it possible to explore the technical and social conditions of production that took place in this space between 1890 and 1930. Through the analysis of structures, artifacts and their fragments discovered in the former hacienda, it was possible to gain a glimpse into the life of the ancient workers and inhabitants of La Marta. This research addressed some longstanding questions about the hacienda and laid the groundwork for future investigations that undoubtedly will further enrich the legacy of this agro-industrial archaeological complex.