Tratos Crueles, Inhumanos y Degradantes (Jurisprudencia Constitucional)
Salazar Rodríguez, Luis Alonso
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El siguiente texto explica en pocas líneas la función de la Sala
Constitucional en materia de derechos humanos, centrando su análisis
en la protección del derecho a la libertad y no solo su afectación en
cuanto a la limitación de la circulación, sino en cuanto a la conservación
de la vida y la integridad personal dentro de los centros penales. Dicha
exposición se realiza a la luz del Caso Calvo Mora en el Centro de
Atención Institucional la Reforma, en 2006.
The following text briefly explains the role of the Constitutional Court in the field of human rights; the analysis focuses on the protection of the right to freedom and its effect in terms not only of the limitation of movement but also of the preservation of the life and personal integrity of prisoners. This examination is developed on the basis of the Calvo Mora Case at Centro de Atención Institucional La Reforma (2006).
The following text briefly explains the role of the Constitutional Court in the field of human rights; the analysis focuses on the protection of the right to freedom and its effect in terms not only of the limitation of movement but also of the preservation of the life and personal integrity of prisoners. This examination is developed on the basis of the Calvo Mora Case at Centro de Atención Institucional La Reforma (2006).
Palabras clave
Sala Constitucional de Costa Rica, Derechos Humanos, Derecho a la libertad personal, Derecho a la vida, Derecho a la integridad personal, Tratos crueles, inhumanos y degradantes, Caso Melvin Gerardo Calvo (2006), Constitutional Court of Costa Rica, Human rights, Right to personal freedom, Right to life, Right to Humane Treatment, Cruel, Inhumane or degrading treatment