Intervención de Enfermería en Salud Mental y Psiquiatría para Favorecer Estrategias de Afrontamiento para un Envejecimiento Activo, dirigido a un grupo de personas de la Asociación Gerontológica Costarricense (AGECO)
tesis de maestría
Sanabria Granados, Catalina María
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El envejecimiento de la población costarricense aumenta de manera exponencial y pone de manifiesto una serie de desafíos en diferentes ámbitos, tales como salud, economía, educación y participación social. De acuerdo con lo anterior, se sobrepasa ciertas brechas con el propósito de visibilizar el proceso de envejecimiento de una forma diferente. En respuesta a esta realidad la Organización Mundial de la Salud, en la Asamblea General las Naciones Unidas para el periodo de 2021-2030, plantea la década del Envejecimiento Saludable, con ello pretende, en un plazo de diez años, promover una mejor calidad de vida y causar un impacto en la salud mental de la población adulta mayor.
De este modo, el presente trabajo, se llevó a cabo a partir de la metodología de sistematización de experiencias, mediante una Intervención de Enfermería en Salud Mental y Psiquiatría, con el fin de desarrollar estrategias para afrontar un mejor envejecimiento activo, a la luz de la teoría de Sor Callista Roy y de sus modos de adaptación a un grupo de personas adultas mayores de la Asociación Gerontológica Costarricense.
La intervención constó de ocho sesiones virtuales por medio de la plataforma zoom, en donde se abordaron temas relacionados con las cuatro áreas del envejecimiento activo, tales como: hábitos saludables, gestión de emociones, participación y seguridad.
Al finalizar el proceso los resultados arrojaron diversos aprendizajes tanto por las personas participantes y la facilitadora, lo cual se evidencio la necesidad de impulsar y crear espacios que favorezcan el desarrollo de herramientas y estrategias en las personas adultas mayores sobre el envejecimiento activo ya que les permite enfrentar los desafíos de la vida, mejorando su salud mental y física, contribuyendo así a su bienestar general y a su sentido de pertenencia y relevancia en la sociedad. Es un enfoque holístico que beneficia tanto a los individuos como a la comunidad en conjunto.
The aging of the Costa Rican population is increasing exponentially and reveals a series of challenges in different areas, such as health, economy, education and social participation. According to the above, certain gaps are overcome with the purpose of making the aging process visible in a different way. In response to this reality, the World Health Organization, in the United Nations General Assembly for the period 2021-2030, proposes the decade of Healthy Aging, with this aim, within a period of ten years, to promote a better quality of life and cause an impact on the mental health of the older adult population. In this way, the present work was carried out based on the methodology of systematization of experiences, through a Nursing Intervention in Mental Health and Psychiatry, in order to develop strategies to face better active aging, in light of Sister Callista Roy's theory and its ways of adaptation to a group of older adults from the Costa Rican Gerontological Association. The intervention consisted of eight virtual sessions through the zoom platform, where topics related to the four areas of active aging were addressed, such as: healthy habits, emotion management, participation and safety. At the end of the process, the results showed various learnings by both the participants and the facilitator, which highlighted the need to promote and create spaces that favor the development of tools and strategies in older adults on active aging since it allows them to face life's challenges, improving their mental and physical health, thus contributing to their general well-being and their sense of belonging and relevance in society. It is a holistic approach that benefits both individuals and the community as a whole.
The aging of the Costa Rican population is increasing exponentially and reveals a series of challenges in different areas, such as health, economy, education and social participation. According to the above, certain gaps are overcome with the purpose of making the aging process visible in a different way. In response to this reality, the World Health Organization, in the United Nations General Assembly for the period 2021-2030, proposes the decade of Healthy Aging, with this aim, within a period of ten years, to promote a better quality of life and cause an impact on the mental health of the older adult population. In this way, the present work was carried out based on the methodology of systematization of experiences, through a Nursing Intervention in Mental Health and Psychiatry, in order to develop strategies to face better active aging, in light of Sister Callista Roy's theory and its ways of adaptation to a group of older adults from the Costa Rican Gerontological Association. The intervention consisted of eight virtual sessions through the zoom platform, where topics related to the four areas of active aging were addressed, such as: healthy habits, emotion management, participation and safety. At the end of the process, the results showed various learnings by both the participants and the facilitator, which highlighted the need to promote and create spaces that favor the development of tools and strategies in older adults on active aging since it allows them to face life's challenges, improving their mental and physical health, thus contributing to their general well-being and their sense of belonging and relevance in society. It is a holistic approach that benefits both individuals and the community as a whole.
Palabras clave
Envejecimiento Activo, Salud Mental, Sor Callista Roy, Modos de Adaptacion, Intervencion de Enfermeria en Salud Mental, Personas adultas mayores, Afrontamiento