Analisis económico del efecto de las densidades de siembra, dosis de herbicida y fertilización de maíz (Zea mays L.)
González Mora, Walter
Soto Aguilar, Adolfo
Arias J., Ronald
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Universidad de Costa Rica
Se realizó un análisis económico en la Estación Experimental Fabio Baudrit del efecto de distancia de siembra (0,75 y 1,00 m entre surcos), dosis de herbicidas (0, 1,25 y 2,5 kg i.a./ha de atrazina) y fertilización (fórmulas de N-P-K: 0-0-0, 90-26-0 y 180-52-0), con el híbrido de maíz “Tico H-1”. El tratamiento más rentable consistió en sembrar el maíz a una distancia entre surcos de 0,75m, fertilizar a razón de 90 y 26 kg/ha de nitrógeno y fósforo respectivamente y aplicar 2,5 kg i.a./ha de atrazina en post-emergencia.
Economic analysis of the effects of planting density, herbicide and fertilizer dosages on corn were studies at the Fabio Badrit Moreno Experiment Station, Alajuela, Costa Rica (altitude 840 meters). The variable studies on the hybrid corn Tico H-1 were: a. planting distances of 0.25m between plants and 0.75 and 1.0m between rows b. herbicide dosages of 0, 1.25 and 2.5 kg i.a./ha of Atrazine; and c. fertilization of 0-0-0, 90-26-0, and 180-52-0 kg/ha of N-P-K fórmulas. The most profitable system consisted of: a. planting corn at a distances of 0.75m between rows; b. fertilizing at a rate of 90 and 26 kg/ha of nitrogen and phosphorus, respectively; and c. applying 2.5 kg a.i./ha atrazine, post-emergence.
Economic analysis of the effects of planting density, herbicide and fertilizer dosages on corn were studies at the Fabio Badrit Moreno Experiment Station, Alajuela, Costa Rica (altitude 840 meters). The variable studies on the hybrid corn Tico H-1 were: a. planting distances of 0.25m between plants and 0.75 and 1.0m between rows b. herbicide dosages of 0, 1.25 and 2.5 kg i.a./ha of Atrazine; and c. fertilization of 0-0-0, 90-26-0, and 180-52-0 kg/ha of N-P-K fórmulas. The most profitable system consisted of: a. planting corn at a distances of 0.75m between rows; b. fertilizing at a rate of 90 and 26 kg/ha of nitrogen and phosphorus, respectively; and c. applying 2.5 kg a.i./ha atrazine, post-emergence.