Prácticas de enterramiento en el sitio arqueológico rempujo (G752 Rj) durante el período Tempisque (500 a.C.—300 d.C.)
tesis de maestría
Fallas Cordero, Geovanna
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El sitio Rempujo (G-752 Rj) es un cementerio ubicado en la provincia de Guanacaste, reportado en 2004 y excavado en 2009 por Juan Vicente Guerrero, quien lo definió como un espacio destinado a enterramientos de individuos durante el período Tempisque (500 a. C.—300 d. C.). Como resultado fueron identificados 177 artefactos, de los que el 62,71% (111) son instrumentos musicales de tipo cerámico Marbella.
Esta investigación analizó las prácticas de inhumación durante el período Tempisque, con el fin de identificar la diferencia o similitud de este sitio con otros cementerios costeros de la Gran Nicoya, a partir del estudio de forma y contenido de las tumbas del sitio Rempujo (G-752 Rj). El foco principal de la investigación fue el análisis de las características morfológicas y estilísticas de los 111 instrumentos musicales de la colección, complementado con el análisis de otros artefactos líticos y cerámicos, como colgantes, metates, remates de bastón, hachas y vasijas. Este análisis realizado tanto en laboratorio y virtualmente usando modelado 3D, lo que permitió establecer asociaciones entre la forma estructural de las tumbas y los artefactos dentro de ellas.
Lo anterior dio como resultado la identificación de diferentes familias de fauna que incluyen mamíferos, reptiles y aves. Este último grupo es el más abundante de la colección, lo que apunta a una predilección particular por este motivo dentro de los ritos de enterramiento realizados por este grupo. Asimismo, el análisis de la colección en conjunto con la reconstrucción estructural de las sepulturas refleja diferentes indicadores que sugieren la presencia de diferencias sociales.
The Rempujo site (G-752 Rj) is a cemetery located in Guanacaste province and reported in 2003 and excavated in 2009 by Juan Vicente Guerrero, who defined it as a space for burials during the Tempisque period (500 B. C-300 A.C.). As a result, 177 artifacts have been identified, of which 62,71% are musical instruments from Marbella ceramic type. Based on the study of form and content of the tombs of the Rempujo site (G-752 Rj), this investigation analyzed inhumation practices during Tempisque period, to explain the difference or similarity of this site with other coastal cemeteries of Great Nicoya. The focus of the research was the analysis of the morphological and stylistic features of the 111 musical instruments of the collection, in addition to the analysis of other ceramic and lithic artifacts, such as pendants, metates, head maces, axes, and vessels. This analysis done both through visual inspection in laboratory and using 3Ddigital modeling, which allowed the establishment of associations between the structural form of the tombs and the artifacts inside them. This resulted in the identification of different families of fauna that include mammals, reptiles, and birds. This last group is the most abundant in the collection, which points to a particular predilection for this reason within the burial rites carried out by this group. Likewise, the analysis of the collection in conjunction with the structural reconstruction of the graves reflects different indicators that suggest the presence of social differences.
The Rempujo site (G-752 Rj) is a cemetery located in Guanacaste province and reported in 2003 and excavated in 2009 by Juan Vicente Guerrero, who defined it as a space for burials during the Tempisque period (500 B. C-300 A.C.). As a result, 177 artifacts have been identified, of which 62,71% are musical instruments from Marbella ceramic type. Based on the study of form and content of the tombs of the Rempujo site (G-752 Rj), this investigation analyzed inhumation practices during Tempisque period, to explain the difference or similarity of this site with other coastal cemeteries of Great Nicoya. The focus of the research was the analysis of the morphological and stylistic features of the 111 musical instruments of the collection, in addition to the analysis of other ceramic and lithic artifacts, such as pendants, metates, head maces, axes, and vessels. This analysis done both through visual inspection in laboratory and using 3Ddigital modeling, which allowed the establishment of associations between the structural form of the tombs and the artifacts inside them. This resulted in the identification of different families of fauna that include mammals, reptiles, and birds. This last group is the most abundant in the collection, which points to a particular predilection for this reason within the burial rites carried out by this group. Likewise, the analysis of the collection in conjunction with the structural reconstruction of the graves reflects different indicators that suggest the presence of social differences.
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