Acoso sexual en espacios públicos y servicios de transporte: Impactos en la vida de las mujeres
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Valverde Valverde, Erika
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Este texto deriva de la investigación “Vivencias de las mujeres universitarias sobre acoso sexual en espacios públicos y servicios de transporte” (2020-2022), cuyos hallazgos son numerosos y profundos. Estas páginas recobran los impactos producidos en las mujeres por el acoso sexual en espacios públicos y servicios de transporte. Como se verá, es una práctica sistemática y omnipresente en el tránsito de las mujeres por el espacio público, sea en área urbana o rural, en el Valle Central o las costas. Para aproximarme a los relatos, parto de la estructura jerárquica del patriarcado (Sagot, 2008), de su política sexual (Millet, 1969) y de la constitución masculinista del Estado (MacKinnon, 1989). Sobre esta base, confirmo la persistencia del continuum de la violencia (Kelly, 1988) en el acoso; explicito el accionar de una pedagogía patriarcal de violencia (Segato, 2018) y enuncio el constructo “tránsito emocional persistente” para explicar la conmoción causada por el acoso en las entrevistadas. Concluyo recobrando la dimensión de agentividad, pues las participantes transmitieron la imposibilidad de rendirse, la necesidad de denunciar y la importancia de acuerparnos colectivamente para rechazar toda manifestación de violencia contra las mujeres.
This text stems from the research project “Experiences of female university students with sexual harassment in public spaces and transportation services” (2020-2022), study with numerous and relevant findings. These pages recapture the consequences experienced by women due to sexual harassment in public spaces and transportation services. As it will be discussed, sexual harassment is a systematic and omnipresent phenomenon that women endure in their transit of public spaces in Costa Rica, whether in rural areas, in Costa Rica’s biggest cities, or the coasts. The analysis of the accounts is based on the hierarchical structure of patriarchy (Sagot, 2008), its sexual politics (Millet, 1969) and the masculinist constitution of the State (MacKinnon, 1989). Upon this theoretical framework, the persistence of the continuum of violence (Kelly, 1988) present in public harassment is confirmed, the actions of a patriarchal pedagogy of violence (Segato, 2018) are described, and the construct of “persistent emotional transit” is outlined, notions which explain the shock caused by harassment in the interviewees. This study concludes with an emphasis on the dimension of agency because the participants conveyed the impossibility of giving up, the need to report the offense, and the importance of coming together collectively to reject any manifestation of violence against women.
This text stems from the research project “Experiences of female university students with sexual harassment in public spaces and transportation services” (2020-2022), study with numerous and relevant findings. These pages recapture the consequences experienced by women due to sexual harassment in public spaces and transportation services. As it will be discussed, sexual harassment is a systematic and omnipresent phenomenon that women endure in their transit of public spaces in Costa Rica, whether in rural areas, in Costa Rica’s biggest cities, or the coasts. The analysis of the accounts is based on the hierarchical structure of patriarchy (Sagot, 2008), its sexual politics (Millet, 1969) and the masculinist constitution of the State (MacKinnon, 1989). Upon this theoretical framework, the persistence of the continuum of violence (Kelly, 1988) present in public harassment is confirmed, the actions of a patriarchal pedagogy of violence (Segato, 2018) are described, and the construct of “persistent emotional transit” is outlined, notions which explain the shock caused by harassment in the interviewees. This study concludes with an emphasis on the dimension of agency because the participants conveyed the impossibility of giving up, the need to report the offense, and the importance of coming together collectively to reject any manifestation of violence against women.
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