Volumen 36, Número 2

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  • Ítem
    Las hijas de Ana Frank. Diarios íntimos y adolescencia.
    (2012-08-16 00:00:00) Alberca, Manuel
    In this paper I analyse three diaries which belong to my book of personal diaries, La escritura invisible. Testimonios sobre el diario íntimo (Sendoa 2000), which I collected from 2000 to 2006. These diaries were written by Spanish girls from 1970s to 1990s. Although it would not be exact to generalize, nor jump into into general conclusions since we are dealing with a very wide subject, such as the diaries of adolescents, or their reading or study, we present here some relevant aspects connected with how teenagers keep a diary, what do they write about, and what importance writing a diary has for them in every day life.
  • Ítem
    Análisis acústico de la longitud vocálica en el inglés criollo de Limón.
    (2012-08-16 00:00:00) Portilla Chaves, Mario
    In this article the first acoustic analysis on Limonese Creole English (Costa Rica) has been carried out. The acoustic analysis of several spectrograms shows unequivocally that vowel length is a phonetic distinctive trait in this language.
  • Ítem
    El sistema de transitividad en las cláusulas materiales del bribri según la gramática sistémico-funcional.
    (2012-08-16 00:00:00) Cruz Volio, María Gabriela
    This article analyses the experiential metafunction realized in the material clauses of Bribri (Coroma’s variation) according to Halliday’s systemic-functional grammar (2004). The main objective is to describe the codification of material processes and their associated participants through the analysis of five Bribri texts. Since processes and participants are part of the TRANSITIVITY system (which includes the TYPE OF PROCESS and AGENCY subsystems), the present study describes this system
  • Ítem
    El manejo de los turnos de habla: aplicaciones del análisis de la conversación en la enseñanza del español como segunda lengua
    (2012-08-16 00:00:00) Guillén Solano, Patricia
    This article analyses turn taking strategies used by a non native Spanish speaker during a conversation with native speakers. This study is based on the premise that the different turn taking mechanisms as well as the different communicative roles assumed by the speaker must be studied in the Spanish as a second language class, since they play a fundamental role in communicative competence development.
  • Ítem
    Teclado chibcha: un software lingüístico para los sistemas de escritura de las lenguas bribri y cabécar.
    (2012-08-16 00:00:00) Flores Solórzano, Sofía
    The project Teclado Chibcha was designed to overcome the technical difficulties that face the indigenous people from Costa Rica, and in general the people interested in the study of their native languages, to write in digital media. The application allows stacking the diacritics used by the practical alphabets of the bribri and cabécar languages; all this thanks to the open font Charis SIL and a keyboard layout to facilitate the introduction of these characters in the operating system Windows. The result is a tool of easy installation that solves a technical problem with deep cultural and educational implications.
  • Ítem
    El léxico del tabú sexual en las obras lexicográficas costarricenses.
    (2012-08-16 00:00:00) Calvo Shadid, Annette
    This article presents a selection of main lexicographic works that includes sexual taboo vocabulary in Costa Rican Spanish. A chronology of these works is shown, it points out the differences between them, and two periods for its study are proposed.
  • Ítem
    Las secuelas del exilio cubano: desterrados al fuego de Matías Montes Huidobro.
    (2012-08-16 00:00:00) Jiménez, Luis A.
    In this essay we discuss the sequelae experienced by the Cuban refuge in the United States. We analyze these consequences in terms of his cultural and linguistic identity, the psychological and existential effects as well as his way of dressing. Within this last section we examine the protagonist-narrator?s overcoat, since this garment becomes the leit-motif of the novel and without the vestiment Montes Huidobro?s text would not exist.
  • Ítem
    Reflejos de schwob en Arreola: vidas imaginarias en "nabónides" y "epitafio".
    (2012-08-16 00:00:00) González Arce, Teresa
    In Vies imaginaires (Imaginary Lifes), the French writer Marcel Schwob wrote biographies of 22 marginal characters based on the great historical narratives. Attention to the secondary details, freedom from the veracity of the facts and assimilation between life and work of the writers included in the book are some of the features of an aesthetic model that the Mexican writer Juan Jose Arreola endorses. From two texts by Arreola (“Nabonides” and “Epitafio”) and based on general considerations about the literary forms involved in the works of both writers –literary portrait and votive epigram– this article focuses this process of rewriting as an act of appropriation and self-understanding through the understanding of others
  • Ítem
    Representación y figuración en "La paz (balada futura)" de Jorge Debravo.
    (2012-08-16 00:00:00) Campos López, Ronald
    This work analyzes A Debravo's (Or Debravian) text from López-Casanova structuralist theoretical principles with the purpose to outline poem indicators, theme scheme, characterization, construction conventions, and climax structure at the representation level. On the other hand, at the imaginary level, it analyzes pragmatic and lexical semantic features from syntax to tonic words. In this way, this study sets forth an example of a methodological approach to a poem, in which the author outlines a criticism and a transforming vision of Latin America and Costa Rica socio-cultural contexts during the 60s.
  • Ítem
    El Flaneur y la Flanerie en las crónicas modernistas latinoamericanas: Julián del Casal, Amado Nervo, José Martí, Manuel Gutiérrez Nájera y Arturo Ambrogi.
    (2010) Cuvardic García, Dorde
    Flanerie finds in Enrique Gómez Carrillo and Rubén Darío two of its best examples in Latin American Modernism. However, Manuel Gutiérrez Nájera, Amado Nervo, Julián del Casal, José Martí, José Enrique Rodó and Arturo Ambrogi also produced texts depicting classic flanerie such as watching urban spaces as social theater, creating pintoresque escenarios or cuadros, or focusing on commercial spaces or public festivities. As a decadent, Julian del Casal, represents an aristocratic and dissenchanted perspective, whereas Marti is a clear example of the paradox between acknowledging American progress and the rejection of their moral values, in contradiction against the latino soul.
  • Ítem
    Magda Zavala y su tríptico de las mareas: hacia un nuevo entendimiento humano en tres poemas claves
    (2012-08-16 00:00:00) Chen Sham, Jorge
    Magda Zavala brings us the act of independence and taking of conscience, thanks to which the poetic subject of Tryptych of the Tides risks herself to give that qualitative jump of which Immanuel Kant spoke in order to define the Illustration as the exit from the state of being in the minority of age. Magda Zavala invites to us no longer to continue blindly obeying the hollow rhetoric of words, the intellectual poses of the cultural and personal Pharisees, to maintain subordination to political, religious or cultural submissions above all, concerning the pitfalls of atavistic masculinity and she drive us towards a new understanding between the sexes and of the male/female relationships. In as much “Tryptych”, we will take a key poem from each one of the three book of poems to show the relevance of this poetic proposal