Un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales para el estudio de factores que afectan la competencia lectora y la alfabetización matemática: una aproximación bayesiana con datos de PISA 2009
Salas Vargas, Alejandro Alonso
Navarro Camacho, Richard
Montero Rojas, Eiliana
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El objetivo de este trabajo es evaluar el efecto de algunas variables latentes influyentes sobre la competencia lectora y la alfabetización matemática en una muestra de estudiantes costarricenses participantes en la prueba PISA 2009. Se estable un modelo de medida para los constructos latentes y un modelo estructural que establece la relación entre constructos, basado en la teoría y en la opinión de expertos en la temática. Se estima un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales, tanto desde un enfoque clásico o frecuentista como desde una perspectiva Bayesiana. En ambos enfoques las estimaciones resultan muy similares en el modelo de medida y en el modelo estructural, resultados que dan evidencia empírica a favor de las hipótesis planteadas.
The aim of this paper is to evaluate the effect of some influential latent variables on reading competence and mathematical literacy in a sample of Costa Rican students participating in the PISA 2009 test. A measurement model is established for the latent variables, and a structural model that establishes the relationship between latent variables, based on the theory and the opinion of experts in the subject. A structural equations model is estimated, both from a classical or frequentist approach and from a Bayesian perspective. In both approaches, the estimates are very similar in the measurement model and in the structural model, results that give empirical evidence in favor of the hypotheses proposed.
The aim of this paper is to evaluate the effect of some influential latent variables on reading competence and mathematical literacy in a sample of Costa Rican students participating in the PISA 2009 test. A measurement model is established for the latent variables, and a structural model that establishes the relationship between latent variables, based on the theory and the opinion of experts in the subject. A structural equations model is estimated, both from a classical or frequentist approach and from a Bayesian perspective. In both approaches, the estimates are very similar in the measurement model and in the structural model, results that give empirical evidence in favor of the hypotheses proposed.
Palabras clave
Modelos de ecuaciones estructurales bayesianos, Cadenas MCMC, Alfabetización matemática, PISA, Bayesian structural equation modeling, MCMC chains, Mathematics literacy