Identidad personal y memoria en adultos mayores sin demencia y con enfermedad de Alzheimer
Salazar Villanea, Mónica
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Objetivo. Estudiar las dimensiones de identidad personal y memoria en la vejez Método. Análisis de recuerdos autobiográficos de 12 adultos mayores sin demencia y 12 ancianos con demencia tipo Alzheimer en Costa Rica. Resultados. El estudio aporta al conocimiento de la identidad personal en la vejez, identificando y definiendo las principales experiencias y compromisos vitales significativos para el sí mismo, que conforman el núcleo de narrativas de los sujetos participantes. Se determinan los períodos de vida donde se concentran las experiencias consideradas por los adultos mayores como las que han marcado sus vidas y los contenidos esenciales de éstas, importantes en la definición del propio sentido de identidad. Se identifica además la presencia de características que definen lo que en este estudio se ha llamado “un momento para…” la gerotrascendencia y se describen las principales características mnemónicas de estos recuerdos autobiográficos en ambas poblaciones.
Aim. To study the dimensions of personal identity and memory in ageing people. Method. Analysis of autobiographical memories of 12 elderly people without dementia and 12 elderly people with Alzheimer’s disease in Costa Rica. Results. This study contributes to the knowledge of the personal identity in ageing by identifying and defining the main vital experiences and significant commitments for the self, which constitute the nucleus of narratives for the participants. It also determines in which periods of the life cycle are concentrated the experiences that elderly adults considered as those that have an emotional impact in their lives, and determines their essential contents, perceived as important in the definition of their own sense of identity. In addition, the study states the presence of the characteristics that define what is called “a moment for…” gerotrascendency and describes the main mnemonic characteristics of these autobiographical memories in both populations.
Aim. To study the dimensions of personal identity and memory in ageing people. Method. Analysis of autobiographical memories of 12 elderly people without dementia and 12 elderly people with Alzheimer’s disease in Costa Rica. Results. This study contributes to the knowledge of the personal identity in ageing by identifying and defining the main vital experiences and significant commitments for the self, which constitute the nucleus of narratives for the participants. It also determines in which periods of the life cycle are concentrated the experiences that elderly adults considered as those that have an emotional impact in their lives, and determines their essential contents, perceived as important in the definition of their own sense of identity. In addition, the study states the presence of the characteristics that define what is called “a moment for…” gerotrascendency and describes the main mnemonic characteristics of these autobiographical memories in both populations.
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