La interacción colaborativa de niños preescolares en la resolución de problemas en un ambiente virtual colaborativo
Paniagua Esquivel, Cristina
Quirós Ramírez, Amaryllis
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Antecedentes: Poder entender a los otros, sus intenciones, sus acciones y poder responder de acuerdo con estas, requiere una serie de habilidades complejas. Estas comienzan a desarrollarse alrededor de los cuatro años y son clave para la interacción entre pares. El objetivo del presente proyecto fue analizar la interacción colaborativa de niños en edad preescolar, presente cuando juegan en un ambiente virtual colaborativo. Método: Los participantes fueron siete tríadas (21 estudiantes) del nivel de transición (10 niñas y 11 niños. M = 6 años, 3 meses, DE = 0.38); se utilizó un videojuego diseñado para que los participantes jueguen en diada, coordinándose y negociando para poder avanzar. Resultados: Dentro los principales resultados destacan que existe una asociación entre verbalizaciones y cambios en la gestualidad que les permite resolver problemas de manera colaborativa. A pesar de que no es un estudio de desarrollo evolutivo, es un aporte para entender una habilidad que implica un nivel de desarrollo cognitivo: cuándo es el momento en que los niños pueden comenzar a colaborar. Conclusión: Las interacciones requeridas para llegar a una meta común son complejas, y tríadas de niños en edad preescolar negocian y se coordinan para lograrlo. Destaca el role de líder y las verbalizaciones como factores para alcanzar esta meta común, acompañados por comunicación no verbal.
Background: When trying to understand others, it requires a series of complex skills. Meaning able to comprehend what one's intenons or acons are and then responding accordingly. As a result, these skills begin to develop at around the age of four and are key to peer interacon. The objecve of the study was to analyze the interacon of preschool children had among each other, when they play in a virtual collaborave environment. Method: The parcipants were seven triads (21 students) of the transion level (11 children, M = 6 years, 3 months, SD = 0.38) and a videogame designed for the parcipants to play in dyads, coordinang and negoang to move forward. Results: Within the main results, it stood out that there is an associaon between verbalizaons and changes in gestures. This allows children to solve problems collaboravely. Although it is not a study of evoluonary development, it is a contribuon to understanding a skill that implies a level of cognive development: thus, understanding when is the me when children can begin to collaborate. Conclusions: When observing interacons, it can seem difficult to achieve a common goal. Yet the results of the study show that the children are capable of understanding not only their own perspecve but also of others. As a result, this allows them to resolve collaborave tasks, similar to the one presented in the study.
Background: When trying to understand others, it requires a series of complex skills. Meaning able to comprehend what one's intenons or acons are and then responding accordingly. As a result, these skills begin to develop at around the age of four and are key to peer interacon. The objecve of the study was to analyze the interacon of preschool children had among each other, when they play in a virtual collaborave environment. Method: The parcipants were seven triads (21 students) of the transion level (11 children, M = 6 years, 3 months, SD = 0.38) and a videogame designed for the parcipants to play in dyads, coordinang and negoang to move forward. Results: Within the main results, it stood out that there is an associaon between verbalizaons and changes in gestures. This allows children to solve problems collaboravely. Although it is not a study of evoluonary development, it is a contribuon to understanding a skill that implies a level of cognive development: thus, understanding when is the me when children can begin to collaborate. Conclusions: When observing interacons, it can seem difficult to achieve a common goal. Yet the results of the study show that the children are capable of understanding not only their own perspecve but also of others. As a result, this allows them to resolve collaborave tasks, similar to the one presented in the study.